God Still Speaks Through Dreams

Dialogue is defined as a discussion between representatives of parties to a conflict that is aimed at a resolution. It can also be an exchange of ideas between two or more people. 

God does speak and when He speaks the bible says man perceives it not, He speaks through various ways and one of the most ignored yet vital ways He speaks is through dreams. Job said He seals instructions in the ears of men while they sleep.

Written By Humphrey Mtandwa
A dream is compared to a parable because it is a heavenly story with an earthly meaning. So dreams are in fact night parables and each parable Jesus used needed interpretation for people to understand it. When you hear a parable, it sounds plain and simple, but upon further meditation on it, hidden truths are revealed. Each story had a different meaning for every individual that would hear it and produced different feelings in all of them.

The parable of the mustard seed has so many interpretations yet when Jesus told it, he used less than 500 words. Entire books have been written from that single text. Dreams, like parables, might seem simple, but a single dream can describe all that you are called to do in life. Joseph’s dream was so simple yet it spoke of the salvation of the whole world from pending famine. But when he had the dream, he did not have the capacity to fully understand the dream. 
God Still Speaks Through Dreams
God Still Speaks Through Dreams

In the dream, he focused on how his brothers bowed to him. Yet in essence, the dream was about him saving his family from famine and not about him being master over his brothers. Joseph had to go through a process to remove anything in him that would stop the full manifestation of the dream. When his brothers later stood before him, he had the humility and the posture he may not have had when the dream occurred.

Daniel warned the king and encouraged him to repent when he related to him the interpretation of the dream of the tree that was cut down and the stump was left. Yet the king failed to maintain the word he had been told and was judged. King Nebuchadnezzar walked and behaved like an animal for many years because he failed to follow the instruction released when Daniel interpreted his dream. 

Later on, the king regained his mind and glorified the God of heaven. When the dream came, its purpose was to drive the king to repentance and if the king repented, he would not have gone through the processes he went through. Each dream carries instructions and when followed brings good fruit.

Because of their nature, it takes wisdom to understand dreams; they carry symbols that if interpreted well can allow the dreamer to live a fulfilled life. God used dreams to communicate to Joseph the father of Jesus three times and imagine with how important his assignment was God used dreams, yet many do not see the value of dreams.

It’s time you recognised the value of your dreams. Each dream is important if you are able to harvest the necessary information from it. Kings governed kingdoms successfully and some of the greatest conquerors were given strategies in dreams. Our communication with God is not one-way and most of the time it is us as a man who is always talking and barely has the discernment needed to pick up the message when God speaks. 

Begin to value your dreams and you will be amazed how God has been speaking all along.

God bless you.

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Dream Connect is a website dedicated to dream interpretation and prayer. As Dream Connect we believe that for a christian to be successful, they need to pray and read the word of God. The prayer points on our website is to guide you as you work on improving your prayer life. We care about our users, and we want to see the hand of God rest upon them as the pray.

So you are welcome as you join us today and pray with us, the God that answers prayers will meet you at the point of your needs in Jesus name.

Welcome on board and God bless you.

Welcome To Dream Connect with Oudney Patsika: One of the primary goals of Oudney Patsika is to use media to change the cultural narrative. He aims to impact today’s culture with more accurate, responsible, and positive media stories about Dreams, Strategies, Christianity and the Church.

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One of the primary goals of Oudney Patsika is to use media to change the cultural narrative. He aims to impact today’s culture with more accurate, responsible, and positive media stories about Christianity and the Church. Get In Touch Today!
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