
Dream Connect is a not-for-profit ministry made possible through the generous giving of churches and partners.

The ministry is made possible through church offerings and the generosity of friends and partners who freely give their finance, advice, prayer, and skills. We deeply value your partnership as we seek to equip people around the world to recognise and respond to God’s voice.

Partnership is about working together to achieve a common goal. Are you partnering with us?

If you are ready and have a desire to be a partner, then click the Chat with WhatsApp and we will be on the other side waiting to talk with you. If you have any questions about where the church is going, and what it means to partner in either vision or finances feel free to ask.

We are to win lost souls, care for those in need, and make disciples of all nations. God has blessed our partners through the years, proving again and again that He rewards giving, and He builds His church through the faithful financial stewardship of His people.

Join hands with Oudney Patsika and be a vital part of everything that God does this year and beyond! Prayerfully consider faithful stewardship today!

On behalf of Oudney Patsika we are privileged to have you take part in spreading the gospel around the world. We are looking forward to bringing souls to the kingdom of God through the miracle-working power of Jesus Christ.

Join our Partnership Team:

1. Partner in Prayer: To apply to join our prayer partners team and receive quarterly ministry updates, please Chat with WhatsApp.

2. Sponsor Monthly:
Become a financial partner by giving to general ministry costs on a monthly basis. 

Bronze Partners start at $10 a month and receive exclusive quarterly partners updates with inside reports and preliminary offers on resources.

Silver Partners start at $25 a month, receive exclusive quarterly partners updates with inside reports and preliminary offers on resources, as well as a free How to Hear God’s Voice eCourse enrolment.

Gold Partners start at $75 month and are gifted all the bonuses of silver partners. In addition, we will arrange two virtual appointments each year with you and one of the core team so that together you can reflect on the work of the Spirit in your life and provide prayer and input into what God might be saying.

Platinum Partners start at $150 month and are gifted all the bonuses of silver partners plus any new resources free of charge. In addition, as a valued member of our team, we will aim to build a relationship with you by arranging a Partners’ meeting with you and other platinum members once a year in your specified location (where possible) to reflect on the work of the Spirit in your life and to report firsthand on ministry progress.

3. Sponsor a Project: Become a financial partner by supporting a project through a one-off gift.


Email Address important

Content important

Who We Are:

Dream Connect is a not-for-profit ministry. The ministry is made possible through church offerings and the generosity of friends and partners who freely give their finance, advice, prayer and skills. 

All offerings and payments are paid into ministry funds and the Dream Connect Leadership Team oversees a stipend for Oudney Patsika.

Our heart is to receive your giving as an offering to God and to invest it wisely in reaching others with the Dream Connect message. 

The leadership team oversees the financial integrity of the ministry and there are strong accountability measures in place to ensure your offerings are wisely allocated. We believe in God’s purpose for the local church, so if you choose to give to Dream Connect, we ask that you prioritise your giving first to your local church community.

We also deeply value your prayers for God’s power and wisdom as we seek to equip people around the world to recognise and respond to God’s voice.

Welcome To Dream Connect with Oudney Patsika: One of the primary goals of Oudney Patsika is to use media to change the cultural narrative. He aims to impact today’s culture with more accurate, responsible, and positive media stories about Dreams, Strategies, Christianity and the Church.

Please consider that donating a small amount helps us keep this service active. It is a mission field of an unusual kind that you can be a part of. Through this portal, we minister to people around the world from all walks of life. Both to Believers and Non-Believers who are seeking answers.

Benevolent donations help make it possible for us to dedicate more time to this online resource and help others like you to hear from God through their dreams using this service.

Your donation could instead change someone else's life forever.

Some may feel that we ought not to ask for a donation at all but, we are asking you to place more value on your dreams and the prophetic word of God! Remember: When you make something possible for others, God turns possibilities into realities for you!

Contact Us through the Chat with WhatsApp widget below.

Oudney Patsika Online
One of the primary goals of Oudney Patsika is to use media to change the cultural narrative. He aims to impact today’s culture with more accurate, responsible, and positive media stories about Christianity and the Church. Get In Touch Today!
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